Most people know that today is Black Friday, but what about tomorrow? It’s Small Business Saturday! One of the most amazing things about our community is the sheer number and variety of small businesses that we have. So, let’s take this as an opportunity to show them some extra love. Just a stroll down Main Street is a treasure trove of local gems. If you do find yourself in the area…you should swing by the tasting room. We have tons of new products that would make wonderful holiday gifts. These include our recently released Maple Bourbon and a variety of other goodies, often made by other small businesses. Check out the Bull Run x Fancy That signature candles, Puddin' River Chocolates infused with our Bourbon, Maple & Pinot Finish, and new logo hats from local Artisan’s Mark. Let us help you with this year’s gift-giving, and sip some whiskey while you’re at it. Cheers!
Photo Credit: Ross Bernards Photography